Establishing Negligence in a Motorcycle Accident Case

Establishing Negligence in a Motorcycle Accident Case

Motorcycle accidents often result in catastrophic injuries and fatalities due to the lack of protective barriers between the rider and the road. Unlike car occupants, motorcyclists are directly exposed to impacts, which can cause severe trauma such as head injuries, spinal cord damage, broken bones, and internal injuries. If you have been injured in a motorcycle crash, consult with a prolific and genuine Atlanta motorcycle accident lawyer to protect your right to compensation. 

Types of Negligent Actions of Other Motorists that Cause Motorcycle Accidents

  • Failing to check blind spots before changing lanes
  • Distracted driving (e.g., texting, talking on the phone)
  • Speeding or reckless driving
  • Running red lights or stop signs
  • Failing to yield the right of way
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Tailgating or following too closely
  • Making sudden or unsafe turns without signaling
  • Opening car doors without checking for oncoming motorcycles (dooring)
  • Driving while fatigued or drowsy

Legal Elements to Establish Negligence in a Georgia Motorcycle Accident

The burden of proof in motorcycle accident cases in Georgia lies on the injured motorcyclist. Therefore, you need a seasoned Atlanta motorcycle crash attorney on your side who can prove the following four legal elements:

  • Duty of Care: Demonstrate that the defendant owed a legal duty of care to the motorcyclist.
  • Breach of Duty: Show that the defendant breached this duty through their actions or inactions.
  • Causation: Establish a direct link between the defendant’s breach of duty and the motorcycle accident.
  • Damages: Prove that the motorcyclist suffered actual harm or losses as a result of the accident.

Types of Evidence Your Atlanta Motorcycle Accident Lawyer will Collect to Prove Negligence of the Defendant

Proving negligence in a motorcycle accident case requires gathering comprehensive and compelling evidence to establish that the defendant’s actions directly caused the accident and the resulting injuries. An earnest and committed Atlanta motorcycle accident lawyer will systematically collect various types of evidence, including:

Accident Scene Evidence

  • Photographs and Videos: Capturing images and videos of the accident scene, vehicle positions, skid marks, road conditions, traffic signals, and any visible injuries.
  • Debris and Damage: Documenting debris, damaged vehicle parts, and other physical evidence that can help reconstruct the accident.
  • Weather Conditions: Recording weather conditions at the time of the accident, as adverse weather can impact visibility and road traction.

Police Reports

  • Official Police Report: Obtaining the police report filed by responding officers, which includes their observations, preliminary findings, and any citations issued.
  • Witness Statements: Collecting statements from witnesses noted in the police report to corroborate the sequence of events and the defendant’s actions.

Eyewitness Testimonies

  • Eyewitness Accounts: Interviewing witnesses who saw the accident occur to gather firsthand accounts of the defendant’s behavior and the accident’s circumstances.
  • Contact Information: Securing contact details of witnesses for future testimony, if needed.

Surveillance Footage

  • Traffic Cameras: Requesting footage from traffic cameras or nearby surveillance systems that may have captured the accident.
  • Private Surveillance: Seeking video evidence from businesses or homes with cameras facing the accident location.

Medical Records

  • Injury Documentation: Collecting medical records that detail the injuries sustained, treatments received, and the long-term prognosis for the victim.
  • Expert Medical Testimony: Engaging medical experts to explain the correlation between the accident and the injuries in court.

Expert Testimony

  • Accident Reconstruction Experts: Hiring experts to reconstruct the accident and provide professional opinions on how it occurred and the defendant’s role.
  • Forensic Analysts: Utilizing forensic specialists to analyze vehicle damage, skid marks, and other physical evidence to support the claim.

Vehicle and Equipment Analysis

  • Vehicle Inspections: Conducting thorough inspections of both the motorcycle and the defendant’s vehicle to assess damage and mechanical failures.
  • Black Box Data: Extracting data from vehicle black boxes (event data recorders) to analyze speed, braking, and other critical factors before the crash.

Cell Phone Records

  • Distracted Driving Evidence: Reviewing the defendant’s cell phone records to determine if they were texting, calling, or using apps at the time of the accident.

Defendant’s Driving History

  • Past Violations: Investigating the defendant’s driving history for previous traffic violations, accidents, or reckless driving incidents that may establish a pattern of negligent behavior.

Insurance Documentation

  • Insurance Claims: Gathering information from insurance claims to understand the defendant’s insurance coverage and any statements made to insurance adjusters.
  • Statements of Liability: Reviewing any admissions of fault or responsibility made by the defendant to insurance companies or at the accident scene.

How Your Motorcycle Crash Attorney in Atlanta Will Fight the Inherent Bias Against Motorcyclists to Establish Liability of the Other Motorist

Motorcyclists often face inherent biases that can complicate legal proceedings following an accident. These biases stem from stereotypes that motorcyclists are reckless, thrill-seekers, or prone to breaking traffic laws. An accomplished motorcycle crash attorney in Atlanta understands these prejudices and employs various strategies to counteract them, ensuring a fair trial and accurately establishing the liability of the other motorist.

Addressing Bias Head-On

  • Educating the Jury: If your claim ends up at trial, your attorney will address potential biases by educating the jury about the rights and responsibilities of motorcyclists. This involves explaining motorcycle safety practices and debunking common misconceptions.
  • Emphasizing Shared Road Responsibility: Highlighting that all motorists, regardless of their vehicle type, have a legal duty to share the road responsibly and follow traffic laws.

Presenting Objective Evidence

  • Accident Scene Documentation: Using clear and objective evidence such as photographs, videos, and diagrams of the accident scene to illustrate the facts impartially.
  • Expert Witness Testimony: Calling upon accident reconstruction experts and other specialists to provide a neutral, professional analysis of the accident dynamics, demonstrating that the motorcyclist was not at fault.

Highlighting the Defendant’s Negligence

  • Focus on Defendant’s Actions: Shifting the focus to the negligent actions of the defendant by presenting evidence such as witness testimonies, police reports, and any traffic violations committed by the defendant.
  • Driving History: Investigating and presenting the defendant’s past driving history, if relevant, to establish a pattern of reckless or negligent behavior.

Utilizing Technology and Demonstrative Evidence

  • Accident Reconstruction Animations: Using advanced technology to create detailed animations or simulations of the accident, helping the jury visualize the sequence of events clearly.
  • Forensic Evidence: Employing forensic analysis to examine vehicle damage, skid marks, and other physical evidence to support the motorcyclist’s account of the accident.

Cross-Examination Techniques

  • Challenging Credibility: Skillfully cross-examining the defendant and any witnesses presented by the defense to challenge their credibility and reliability.
  • Exposing Inconsistencies: Identifying and exposing inconsistencies or contradictions in the defendant’s statements or testimonies that undermine their version of events.

Leveraging Legal Precedents

  • Case Law: Citing relevant case law and legal precedents where motorcyclists were unjustly biased against, showing the jury that such biases have been recognized and corrected in past rulings.
  • Statutory Protections: Emphasizing state laws and regulations that protect motorcyclists’ rights and highlight the defendant’s breach of these legal duties.

By employing these strategies, your motorcycle crash attorney in Atlanta will actively work to dismantle inherent biases and present a compelling case that clearly establishes the liability of the other motorist. This comprehensive approach ensures that the focus remains on the facts of the accident and the defendant’s negligence, rather than on unfounded stereotypes about motorcyclists.

Get a Seasoned Atlanta Motorcycle Accident Lawyer on Your Side

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, you need an attorney who will fight tirelessly to ensure justice is served. Tanya Miller at Miller Injury Trial Law is a dedicated and experienced motorcycle accident attorney in Atlanta with a proven track record of success in complex personal injury cases. 

With her background as a former Assistant United States Attorney and Chief Senior District Attorney, Tanya brings exceptional legal skills and a relentless commitment to her clients. Call 855-44MILLER or contact us online to schedule your free consultation and let us advocate for your rights and recover the highest compensation you deserve.