hit and run in Atlanta

Hit-And-Run: Four Tips to Follow Immediately

It almost seems impossible to believe that a driver could leave the scene of a car accident without offering to help or even checking to see if others involved need assistance. Yet hit-and-run accidents happen in Atlanta all too frequently.

As experienced Atlanta personal injury lawyers, we offer five tips for actions to take immediately after a hit-and-run accident.

1) Call for Emergency Assistance After a Hit-and-Run

Regardless of the severity of the accident, one of the first actions to take is to contact emergency services. You can either place the call yourself or direct someone else to call 911 while you assess the situation. Dispatchers will determine which first responders to send to the scene, but you should ask for a police response so that you can get a police report from the incident. A police report can be one of your most valuable pieces of evidence after a hit-and-run accident.

2) Take Care of Yourself and Others

The most important factor in a hit-and-run situation is the health and wellbeing of those involved. Calling for emergency assistance is the most important step to safeguard your health, but it is also essential to take care of yourself and others in additional ways. Unless someone is in a dangerous position, it can be a good idea to remain in place until help arrives. Unnecessary movement can make an injury worse. All those involved in the accident should receive a thorough medical examination as soon as possible. A doctor could detect serious injuries that are not immediately apparent.

3) Locate Witnesses of the Hit-And-Run Incident

Some hit-and-run accidents may result in serious injuries while others might involve damage to an unattended vehicle. Either way, the responsible driver should be held liable for the harm caused. It is a good idea to look for witnesses who may have seen the accident or watched a damaged vehicle leave the scene. A car accident attorney may be able to help locate witnesses using traffic footage or other evidence.

4) Take Pictures and Make Notes

Documenting the scene of the accident could help in the investigation to determine the identity of a hit-and-run driver. In addition, documentation also provides evidence of the extent of the damage and the method of causation. Take photos of the accident scene and injuries as soon as possible after the hit-and-run occurs. Make notes of things you observed before, during, and after the accident, including pain from your injuries. A knowledgeable car accident attorney could assist with documenting the accident.

Talk to an Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer Who Understands Hit-And-Run Cases

It is never too early to consult a personal injury lawyer for advice after you have been in a hit-and-run or any other type of accident. An experienced accident attorney could help guide you through the recovery process, represent your interests, help with answering questions from insurance companies, and fight to protect your rights. Depending on the situation, your attorney could help you pursue substantial compensation for your damage and injuries after a hit-and-run. To learn more, contact the attorneys at Miller Injury Trial Law now for a free consultation.